Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Past Week in Training

I think I'm going to start making my Monday posts a review of my week in training (I know it's Wednesday...but oh well).  I count my mileage from Monday-Sunday, so my last run of the week is normally my Sunday long run.  I've been doing this since college, influenced by my college coach who does the same thing.  So Monday is a perfect day for a training recap.  

Anyway, last week was a mixed bag for me.  The week started coming off a pretty good long run with my friend and training partner Neal.  I've been following the pattern of adding 1 mile to my Sunday run each week, which I started at 8 miles back in December.  My long run had been 11 on Sunday at a good pace.  I ended up taking Monday off work, and I went out and did an easy 6 miles at home, and my legs felt understandably tired.  I kept the pace relaxed and stretched a bit afterward.

Tuesday was my first day back at work after giving myself a long weekend and, since I had planned on doing a workout Thursday I decided to get a small amount of leg turnover Tuesday.  I did a 3 mile warmup, during which I was lightheaded and my legs hurt pretty badly.  I then did 4 miles where I threw in a 30 second pickup every 90-120 seconds.  This felt absolutely awful, but I struggled through and ended the day (after cooldown) with 8 miles so overall I was happy.

Wednesday's run was the worst of the week.  My legs still weren't recovered and I just did 5 easy on our track at school to try to recover.  Because of this I ended up taking Thursday as a planned day off to fully recovery before hopefully getting in a workout Friday.  Well that didn't happen.  We got a snow day Friday, and instead of running in what was quite a bit of free time, I took another day off...FAIL.

The roads were pretty awful still Saturday, so I ran 57 minutes on a treadmill with a loose band, so it felt something like running in sand, oddly enough.  The pace was off, so I just called it 8 miles.  But I felt pretty good so that was one benefit of the 2 days off.

Sunday was long run day, and I was due for 12 miles with Neal.  We hit the roads on the same out and back course we ran last week, going out an extra 1/2 mile.  I felt great this time and we knocked out a really good pace for the 12 miles (41:20 on the way out, 39:40 on the way back).  We hit 1:21 for the 12, or 6:45 pace.  And compared to last week, where I struggled the last 2 miles, were were comfortably pushing the pace the last 3 miles this time.  The only concern was some ache in my left shin, that still hasn't gone away.  But all in all, a good way to end the week.  so in summary:

Monday: 6 miles - 40:38
Tuesday: 8 miles (fartlek) 53:30
Wednesday: 5 miles - 35:11
Thursday: OFF
Friday: OFF
Saturday: 8 miles - 57:00
Sunday: 12 miles - 1:21:00

TOTAL: 39 miles

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